how does a resistor work?how to use a resistor?
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How does a resistor work

•  If there is any component that can control the current, then the resistor is absolutely very important. When the current is unimpeded in the circuit, it is difficult for us to master it, but when you place a resistor in it, the result is different, so how does a resistor work and what do resistors do to voltage?

•  When the current passes through the resistor, the resistor material will slow down the electrons, the resistor will consume a certain amount of electricity, and the electric energy into heat energy, so that the size of the current flow is limited.

•  In general, it limits the flow of the current.

•  There is a special phenomenon that the resistor consumes a certain current, it will heat, then the temperature has become a problem to pay attention to, so we need to know, Temperature Coefficient of Resistance-Meaning and calculate, so that our resistor in the circuit in the operation smoothly.

•  When the current passes through the resistor, the resistor material will slow down the electrons, and consume it, the resistor will consume a certain amount of electricity, and the electric energy into heat energy, so that the size of the current flow is limited.

•  In general, it limits the flow of the current.

What does a resistor look like

•  high resistance in a circuit.

•  The materials and types of resistors are different, so there are a variety of resistors, they grow into a variety of shapes, seemingly strange shape, indeed an indispensable component of our electronic equipment.

How to use a resistor

•  To know how to use our resistors, we need to know some basic information about it.

•  16 Mar1789 - -6 July 1854,a German physicist at Georg Simon Ohm, He found that the ratio between current and voltage in resistance, The famous Ohm's law, So the resistance is named in units of Ohm, It is really a romantic story, Ohm also provides us with an equation to solve an additional problem, Because he found a large correlation of the resistance with the size of the material that made the resistor, Resistance (R) in the material increases by increasing the length, There's a strange case that thinner and longer wires provide greater resistance, The thicker resistance value of the wire is even smaller. GEORG OHM To our equation like this.


•  Of course, the electric resistivity is not only affected by the length and thickness of the material, but also related to the material itself, because the conductive properties of different materials are different.

Electrical Resistor Material Resistivity Table
Metallic materials
copper(Cu)1.7 x10^-8 Q·m


2.7 x10^-8 Ω·m
silver(Ag): 1.6 x 10^-8 2·m
iron(Fe):9.7x10^-8 Ω·m
tungsten(W):5.6x10^-8 2·m

semiconductor material 


6.4 x10^2 Ω·m


4.6x10^-1 Ω·m

Gallium arsenide

5.2x10^-3 Ω·m

Insulator material


10^10-10^14 Ω·m


10^12 -10^14 2·m


10^8 -10^13 2·m
Plastic10^8-10^16 Ω·m

What does a resistor look like in a circuit

•  inside a resistor.


What is resistor used for

•  As the most important electronic device in the component electronic device, it can be said to be everywhere, widely used and consumer electronic products, including mobile phones, computers, audio appliances, industrial and medical field has new energy vehicles can not lack the existence of resistors. Different resistors have different areas of applications. learn about Type of resistors, the application field of resistors,Get a deeper knowledge of different fields in different resistor applications.

Temperature Coefficient of Resistance - Meaning and calculate
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