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The Mass Airflow Sensor is also the air flow meter, which is one of the important sensors of the EFI Engine. It converts the inhaled air flow into an electrical signal to the electric control unit (ECU), which collects the basic signal of the oil injection and measures the air flow of the inhaled engine. The optimal concentration of the mixture ensures the electronic control of the gasoline injection engine, so it needs to ensure that the amount of air injected into the engine, so the Mass Airflow Sensor plays an important role.
The main role
The ECU confirms the fuel injection amount and ignition time according to the air intake of the engine. The Mass Airflow Sensor can detect the air intake of the engine and convert the air intake into electrical signals to the ECU to assist the ECU. If the engine intake measurement is not accurate, it is very likely that the Mass Airflow Sensor has been damaged, or the circuit connection failure, resulting in the abnormal operation of the engine emissions, so it is enough to see that the Mass Airflow Sensor in the operation of the engine is crucial.
Type of Mass Airflow Sensor
There are mainly five types of Mass Airflow Sensor, including Hot wire sensor, hot film sensor, fluid oscillation sensor, heat tube sensor and capillary sensor.
• Hot wire sensor:The Hot wire sensor works by judging the flow rate by heating the filament and then observing the effect of the flow rate on the cooling of the filament.
• Hot film sensor:The hot film sensor uses the heat transfer and convection process of the gas to measure the gas flow rate.
• Heat tube sensor:The heat tube type sensor is made by heating a thin tube with an electric coupling. The flow flows through the heated tube, and the flow is measured by measuring its temperature.
• Fluid oscillation sensor:Fluid oscillation sensor is the use of mechanical vibration to measure the flow rate, it is mainly through the shock line caused by the mechanical vibration.
• Capillary sensor:Capillary sensor mainly uses the movement amount of capillary plug and uses the gas flow change in the capillary channel to measure the gas flow rate.