Will the AI ​​chip leads to distrabutors' disappearance
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Will the chip distribution traders disappear in the future? This is an old topic that has been discussed in the electronic industry for more than ten years. Will the industries don't need this electronic components distributors any more?

TI Direct

 Especially since TI announced its own self -employment, many agents and distributors are worried. Worried that once the form of direct business is successful, will there be other original factory follow -up? The agents distributors will be eliminated.

 However, from the current point of view, since TI's self-employment, it happened to have encountered the stage of "chip shortages", because TI was the most stocked up brand and their price took off at that time, but TI underestimated the difficulty of serving many customers.and Lost many customers because of the self-employment. This bussiness model seems to be not as good as expected.


Chips development

 However, I personally think that the original factory is not the biggest threat to middlemen. The greater threat may be that everyone is still unable to perceive. Artificial intelligence (AI) chip seems to help us spy on the future scene of the chip's future.

 Artificial intelligence requires more powerful chips, which will lead to the future chip development trend is that more chips will be combined together, and the integration of chips will be higher.

 So what does the integration of chips more and more mean?What threats will be caused by the survival of agents and seller, we will analyze later.[3U19VCR]QWQNC_NOUSU6$A.png

Take H100 as an example, H100's transistor is as high as 80 billion. At 7 nanometer, the number of transistors usually reaches 8 billion to 9 billion, up to 39 billion. So everyone knows what kind of level of H100 is,The birth of H100 has been called a nuclear bomb -level, but the more horrible is B200. It is equivalent to 5 H100. The B200 actually has 208 billion transistors, which creates history. Compared with the first -generation chip, B200 has reduced costs and energy consumption. In the past, training chat robot ChatGPT was three months, and 8,000 chips and 15 MW power were required. Today, only 2,000 chips are required to consume 4 MW of electricity.

Reasons for the information gap

 So what is the relationship between increasingly integrated chips with the disappearance of distributors?

 Everyone knows that the profit of chip distribution trade mainly comes from "information gap"The production of "information gap" is mainly due to the chip's models and types are too many . Millions of models of chips and a large number of supply and services are unbearable, which gives agents distribution and traders' profit margins.

 When the integration of the chip is getting higher and higher, the peripheral devices will be reduced, the model of the chip will slowly compress the less, and the "information gap" will become less and less. Simple, then only simple component trading in the future may not survive.

 If you feel that although the model is lesser, but the chip with a high degree of integration is very expensive,yes sir,you are right.The total value of the chip's demand may not decrease and may follow the scale of intelligent development, but because the form of supply will become simpler with the fewer chip types.



      For us chip suppliers, we should think about what more "added-value services" can be provided to customers to ensure that we can still survive in the post-era of AI development.In the era of AI intelligence, autonomous driving, and LOT, whether there will be possiblely more diverse demand for electronic products, or even more the needs of chips, this requires whether enterprises can quickly adjust the changes in the times.

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