AI War:AI is a battle that no country can afford to lose
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  • AI War:AI is a battle that no country can afford to lose

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On April 3, 1973, Motorola engineer Martin Cooper stood on a street in New York and made the first real mobile phone call to his competitor Joel Engel to show off his achievements. A new era began.The global economy will slow down in 2024, and the economic benefits brought by the previous technological changes will slowly end. As for the economic growth point brought by the next technological change,the world has reached a consensus that it is artificial intelligence. This is a battle that cannot be lost.

economic growth

• Although the economy is a complex and huge operating system, its operating principle is actually very simple.PT7EJ7}XAWEJCLMJ%P25_ON.png

Suppose I am a burger shop owner with 1,000 USD in start-up capital. I open a burger shop and need to buy a hamburger machine. So I found a factory that manufactures hamburger machines. The hamburger machine factory used the money received to purchase the required electronic components and other materials, and found an original parts supplier to purchase the materials. The chip supplier shipped the goods after receiving the order, and they had an extra 1,000 usd. Later, they ordered a batch of inventory from the chip manufacturer. After receiving the money, the chip manufacturer started manufacturing. After working hard, they wanted to buy some hamburgers to reward their employees, and then When I arrived at the burger shop and bought a 1,000USD burger, the money returned to the owner of the burger shop. At this time, the total economic output increased.

• Everything comes from demand, so demand is the key factor in economic growth.


• The industrial age has allowed people's productivity to explode, leading to overcapacity in the manufacturing industry, saturated demand, and difficulty in economic growth.


• The access to the Internet has promoted another wave of economic development. Now that the global economy has entered a period of slow growth, the remaining method is to create new demands. Every technological revolution will create many new demands, which will make the economy suffer for a period of time. With the rapid growth, it is obvious that around the world, in addition to space exploration, the next wave of technological revolution is AI, so AI has become the next battlefield between countries. 

The next economic flash point. If you miss it, you may not have the opportunity. AI tools will subvert all walks of life

• You may not realize that AI has conquered our lives. They are hiding in your mobile phone or monitoring everywhere, mastering your shopping habits, reading preferences, tastes, tastes, etc.

• The next AI revolution will be a tool revolution. Its arrival is not just as simple as understanding us, but also changing the way we work and produce.


• It may give birth to an AI lawyer, AI doctor, and AI programmer, and it may even subvert our education industry, management model, our creativity, etc. The upgrade of tools may create a new economic flashpoint. If you miss it, you will have no chance. No country is willing to miss this opportunity.

Invisible competition among medium-sized enterprises

• In 2023, more than 25% of investments in U. S. start-ups will be in artificial intelligence-related companies. Since China entered the artificial intelligence track in 2021, related companies have also increased explosively.


• In China alone from January to April this year, there were more than 290,000 newly registered artificial intelligence-related companies; (of course, this is not a true artificial intelligence company). According to a report released on Monday, as of the end of June, 36,000 companies worldwide Among the artificial intelligence companies, the United States has 13,000, accounting for 33.6%, while China has 5,734, accounting for 16%.

• The United States is still in a dominant position. As of the end of June 2023, of the 36,000 artificial intelligence companies in the world, the United States has 13,000, accounting for 33.6%, while China has 5,734, accounting for 16%. This seems to be brewing a new wave of AI economic explosion.

AI can better influence people’s values and behaviors

• AI can influence people's values and thoughts more than any technology of any era.

• For the same question, AI in different countries may give different answers. It is easier to manipulate people.

•  As a result, the whole world is plunged into unprecedented thinking. Who decides the answer given by AI? Its influence on people's thoughts may go far beyond traditional media and self-media.


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